Chapter 1. THEORYFigure 8.1 Gain and Frequency response test setup.Gain and Frequency Response TestFigure 8-2. Distortion and noise level test setup.Distortion and Noise Level TestSummary of Performance StandardsTECHNICAL MANUALSpecial RequirementsFigure 1. Amplifier, Radio Frequency AM1881/U, block diagram.Figure 2. First and second amplifiers and cathode follower, schematic diagramFigure 3. Power transformer and power rectifier, schematic diagram.Figure 4. Series regulator, regulator control, and voltage reference, schematic diagram.Chapter 2. TROUBLESHOOTINGSection II. TROUBLESHOOTING AMPLIFIER, RADIO FREQUENCY AM-1881/11Test SetupFigure 5. Tube socket and terminal board voltage and resistance diagramStage-Gain MeasurementsTroubleshooting Chart.Figure 7. Rf amplifier chassis, bottom view.Section Ill. REPAIRS AND ADJUSTMENTSRF Amplifier Gain AdjustmentAdjustment Procedure.Chapter 3. FINAL TESTINGFigure 9. Connections for final testing.Figure 10. MIL-STD resistor color-code marking.Figure 11. MIL-STD capacitor color-code marking.Figure 12. Amplifier, Radio Frequency AM-1881/U, schematic diagramAppendix I. REFERENCES - TM-11-6625-353-350031TM-11-6625-353-35 Amplifers Radio Frequency AM-1881/U Manual