flat within 0.5 db between 5 cps to 1 mc,
vtvm should indicate 9 volts.
and within 1 db from 5 cps to 1.2 mc.
If the vtvm does not indicate 9
volts, adjust C11 to produce a 9
b. Adjustment Procedure.
volt indication.
(1) Check the gain adjustment of the
to 1 mc and the output level to 0.9
rf amplifier as described in para-
volt rms.
Set the GAIN switch to 20 DB. The
(2) Connect the output terminals of the
vtvm should indicate 9 volts.
If the vtvm does not indicate 9
v o l t s , readjust C11 for the best
c o m p r o m i s e between the 20-DB
Note. Use test leads less than 1 foot
and the 40-DB positions.
in length.
If a satisfactory compromise can-
not be reached, change the value of
quency to 2 mc.
C12 in the cathode circuit of V1.
(4) Use the vtvm to measure the input
An increase in the value of C12 will
level to the rf amplifier.
i n c r e a s e the gain at high fre-
(5) Adjust the output level of the signal
quencies does not require any ad-
(6) Set the GAIN switch to 40 DB and
If C12 is changed, repeat the ad-
justment procedure until the
proper response is obtained.
test setup.