volts for cathode of V6. Capacitors
m i t s more current to flow from
ground to V5 through R25, R26,
C8C and C8D are the output filter
a n d R24. The increased current
capacitors. R e s i s t o r R 2 8 i s a
through these resistors increases
screen grid current limiting resis-
tor for V5; R24, R25 and R26 form
the output voltage, thereby com-
an output voltage divider. Resistor
pensating for the original de-
R22 is the plate load for V6 and
R23 establishes the correct voltage
(5) When the output voltage tends to
for the plate of V7.
increase, the bias on V6 becomes
(4) Any tendency of the output voltage
l e s s negative (or positive). This
of the power supply to decrease
increases the current through plate
r e d u c e s the voltage developed
load resistor R22, which decreases
across R26 and R25. This causes
the plate voltage of V6 and, in turn,
the control grid of V6 to become
increases the bias on V5. An in-
n e g a t i v e (less positive) and de-
crease in bias on V5 permits less
c r e a s e s the current through V6.
current to flow through the output
The decreased current through R22
voltage divider and thereby returns
causes the plate voltage of V6 to
the output voltage to its normal
rise, which results in less bias for
regulated level of +210 volts.
V5. A decrease in bias on V5 per-
Figure 4. Series regulator, regulator control, and
voltage reference, schematic diagram.