TM 11-5895-1090-34/TO 31 R2-2TSC-152
Transient Suppressor Assembly A4
procedures of table 4-9. If any test equipment must be
a. Test Equipment Required.
substituted, be sure to verify that the substituted
equipment has the capability and accuracy to perform
contains a list of the test equipment required to perform
the functions required.
the transient suppressor test and troubleshooting
Table 4-8. Test Equipment Required for Transient Suppressor Assembly A4, Test and Troubleshooting
Test equipment
NSN or part No.
Supplies voltage required for test and
Power Supply (Hewlett-Packard 6202B
Provides interface between UUT and test
Test Fixture, Transient Suppressor
Voltage measurements.
Test and Troubleshooting Procedures.
b. Initial Procedures. Perform the following
Perform the procedures in table 4-9 to test and
procedures prior to performing the transient sup- pressor
troubleshoot a suspected faulty transient suppressor
assembly test and troubleshooting procedures in c
assembly. Always perform the procedures from the
beginning. When the steps of table 4-9 have been
(1) Place the test fixture RELAY SEL switch in
performed with no abnormal indications, the transient
the OFF position.
suppressor assembly can be returned to stock or normal
operation in the terminal. If an abnormal indication is
obtained during performance of the procedures,
Do not make connections to the
instructions to correct the problem are given in the "if
transient suppressor assembly with
indication abnormal" column of table 4-9. When the
power applied. The transient suppressor
fault is repaired, retest the transient suppressor
assembly contains solid-state circuits
that will be damaged if connections are
for transient suppressor assembly component location
made with power applied.
(2) Connect the transient suppressor assembly
(UUT) to the test set-up as shown in figure 4-9 without
connecting the power supply.
(3) Connect equipment to 120 +_5 VAC source
and turn on equipment.
Figure 4-9. Transient Suppressor Assembly
A4, Test Setup.