cation action. Applicable requirements of the
1. Purpose. This bulletin provides a storage
standard may be used for performing receipt
serviceability standard which establishes uni-
a n d preshipment quality control inspections.
form criteria for determining the acceptability
of the items designated herein for continued
4. Definitions. a. Definitions for the major-
storage and/or issue, on the condition that all
ity of specialized terms used can be found in
specifications and requirements applicable to
t h e items have previously been met at the
time of receipt from new proceurement or after
b. Definitions for other specialized terms
r e p a i r , overhaul, or rebuild by a CONUS
are as follows:
depot maintenance shop.
(1) Storage serviceability standard. A
w r i t t e n procedure providing storage methods
2. Scope. This bulletin applies to all activ-
a n d standards and prescribing the necessary
ities engaged in the receipt, storage, and issue
requirements for the surveillance of materiel
o f USAECOM Amplifier, Electronic Control
in storage.
A M - 3 2 0 9 / A S N listed in appendix B with its
(2) S t o r a g e q u a l i t y l e v e l ( S Q L ) . T h a t
applicable Federal stock number.
q u a l i t y level applicable to storage sampling
inspection expressed in terms of percent de-
3 . G e n e r a l . It is the Army's objective to
fective or defects per 100 units, whichever is
attain and maintain a constant materiel readi-
applicable, specified for a given group of de-
ness status for materiel in depot stacks. The
f e c t s of a product. It is the maximum al-
s c o p e of such an objective is of such mag-
l o w a b l e accidental departure from specifica-
n i t u d e that only general guidelines are pro-
t i o n requirements which can be tolerated.
vided by chapter 3, section VIII of TM 743-
2 0 0 - 1 for the quality evaluation of materiel
5. Reporting of Equipment Publications Im-
in the custody of supply and storage activities.
p r o v e m e n t s . Reporting of errors, omissions,
This standard supplements TM 743-200-1 by
and recommendations for improving this pub-
providing a systematic procedure for storage
lication by the individual user is encouraged.
cyclic inspection of the amplifier specified in
R e p o r t s should be submitted on DA Form
2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications)
and forwarded direct to Commanding General,
age practices, and other characteristics which
U.S. Army Electronics Command, ATTN:
a r e acceptable. It also establishes the basis
A M S E L - M E - N M P - E M , Fort Monmouth, N.J.
for identifying materiel requiring segregation,
remedial care and preservation, or reclassifi-
6. Preservation, Packaging, and Packing.
8 . Storage. a . T y p e . Controlled humidity
Preservation, packaging, and packing will be
warehouse or heated warehouse.
in accordance with the requirements listed in
b. Age Control. Amplifier AM-3209/ASN
w i l l be issued on a first-in-first-out (FIFO)
code shall be preserved and packaged in ac-
basis by date of manufacture, or date of re-
cordance with MIL-STD-726; packing shall
conform to the requirements specified in MIL-
P-55585 (EL).
c. Shelf Life. A m p l i f i e r s A M - 3 2 0 9 / A S N
7. Marking. Marking will be in accordance
a n d are required to be inspected and tested
with MIL-STD-129D.