(6) Inspect solder connections for missing
at the same time and stored under the same
solder, cold solder, insufficient solder, exces-
sive solder, and improper wrap.
(3) Lot size. The lot size is the total num-
(7) Inspect for illegible, incorrect, or mis-
ber of individual like items in the lot that is
sing markings.
to be inspected.
( 8 ) Inspect for corrosion, dirt, moisture,
b. Sampling Procedure.
and fungus.
( 1 ) Sample selection. Select samples of
( 9 ) Inspect all parts and hardware for
materiel in a way which will assure that each
damage and condition.
unit in the lot has an equal chance of being
s e l e c t e d . Biased methods, such as selecting
d. Test Requirements. Perform those tests
items from the same position in a container,
that are specified for each amplifier listed in
p a l l e t s , or stacks; taking items all from one
location; or selecting items that appear defec-
e. Defect Classification.
tive, will not be used.
(1) Mechanical-Visual.
( 2 ) S a m p l e s i z e . U s e table I of MIL-
( a ) Critical. R e f e r t o the definition of
S T D - 1 0 5 D , General Inspection Level II, to
a critical defect.
obtain the sample size code letter, and table
II-A of MIL-STD-105D to obtain the sample
(b) Major.
s i z e using the storage quality levels shown
1. Damage due to handling or stor-
in (3) below.
age (crushed, deformed, or broken).
(3) Storage quality levels (SQL).
(a) Mechanical-visual inspection: criti-
cal SQL 1.0 percent; major SQL 2.5 percent;
3. Solderless connectors: defects as
minor SQL 10 percent.
listed in MIL-STD-252A.
(b) Electrical: Critical SQL l.0 percent,
4. Cabling and wiring: defects as listed
major SQL 2.5 percent.
in MIL-STD-252A.
(c) Preservation, packaging, packing,
5. Hardware: defects as listed in MIL-
a n d marking: major SQL 4.0 percent; minor
SQL 10 percent.
6. Foreign objects: defects as listed in
(d) The acceptance or reject number
f o r the above SQL's shall be the same as
7. Potential short circuits: defects as
those shown for comparable acceptance qual-
listed in MIL-STD-252A.
ity levels (AQL's) in table II-A of MIL-STD-
8. Finish: defects as listed in MIL-
c . Inspection Requirements. The following
m e c h a n i c a l - v i s u a l inspections shall be per-
9. Marking: defects as listed in MIL-
(1) Inspect case for physical damage, con-
10. P a r t s : defects as listed in MIL-
dition, and finish.
( 2 ) Inspect all controls and switches for
11. Contacts: defects as listed in MlL-
proper operation and loose or missing hard-
12. Plating, painting, or MFP missing.
( 3 ) Inspect all connectors, plugs, and
13. Dimensional: a dimensional defect
w h i c h directly affects interchangeability, as-
( 4 ) Inspect assembly for physical dam-
sembly or operation.
age, condition, missing parts, foreign objects,
(c) Minor.
and finish.
(5) Inspect cabling and wiring for poten-
t i a l short circuits, cuts, breaks, fraying, de-
2. Solderless connectors: defects as
terioration, kinks, and strain.