major end item, such as a ship, aircraft, tank,
missile, or space vehicle.
Depot Inspection Standard for
TB SIG 355-1
Repaired Signal Equipment.
f. Major Defect. A defect other than critical
Depot Inspection Standard for
TB SIG 355-2
that could result in failure, or materially reduce
Refinishing Repaired Signal
t h e usability of the product for its intended
TB SIG 355-3
Depot Inspection Standard for
g. Minor Defect. A defect that does not
Moisture and Fungus Resis-
tant Treatment.
materially reduce the usability of the unit of
Depot Inspection Standard for
TB SIG 355-4
product for its intended purpose, or is a de-
Balancing Rotating Parts and
p a r t u r e from established standards having
little bearing on the effective use or operation
TB 750-236
of the unit.
Maintenance of Army Ma-
h. Mechanical-Visual Inspection. An in-
Organizational, DS, GS, and
TM 11-6110-211-15
spection by visual means to observe the item
Depot Maintenance Manual
a n d / o r its packaging and packing to detect
Including Repair Parts and
deficiencies. Mechanical-visual inspection may
Special Tool Lists: Amplifier,
r e q u i r e disassembly.
Electronic Control AM-3209/
i. Technical Inspection. A complete func-
Army Equipment Record Pro-
TM 38-750
tional inspection including disassembly, where
required, and performance testing and/or lab-
o r a t o r y testing.
5. Other Directives.
4. Specifications, Technical Manuals, and
General Policies and Principles
AR 795-17
Other Documents. The following documents,
for Furnishing Army Materiel
of the latest issue in effect, contain inspection
on a Grant Aid Basis.
and testing information data, and instructions
General Policies and Principles
AR 795-204
a p p l i c a b l e to these quality assurance provi-
for Furnishing Defense Arti-
cles and Services on a Sale or
Loan Basis.
Index of Technical Manuals,
DA Pam 310-4
6. Inspection Criteria. a. Lot Criteria.
Technical Bulletins, Supply
( 1 ) Lot definition. A lot is defined as a
Manuals (types 7, 8, and 9),
group of like items from which a sample is to
Supply Bulletins, and Lubri-
cation Orders.
be drawn and inspected to determine conform-
U.S. Army Equipment Index of
DA Pam 310-7
ance with the acceptability criteria. The follow-
Modification Work Orders.
ing are examples:
Requisitioning, Receipt, and
AR 725-50
(a) A group of like items in storage
Issue System.
which were received in a shipment with the
Preservation, Methods of.
following identical markings:
Parts, Materials and Processes
Used in Electronic Communi-
( 1 ) Purchase order number.
cation Equipment.
( 2 ) Date packaged or packed.
Marking of Electronic Items.
Sampling Procedures and Tables
(3) Depot certification stamp and
for Inspection by Attributes.
Quality Assurance Terms and
(b) A group of like items repaired or
r e b u i l t by the Maintenance Division in one
Marking for Shipment and
p r o d u c t i o n run
Identification Marking of U.S.
(2) L o t f o r m a t i o n . T h e items shall be
Military Property.
assembled into identifiable lots. Each lot shall,
Wired Equipment, Classification
as far as practicable, consist of units of pro-
of Visual and Mechanical
duct of a single type, grade, class, size, and
Packaging Requirements Code.