TM 11-6110-211-15
b. Tests of Output Voltages.
R1, ME-30B/U No. 2 shall indicate as listed
and ME-26D/U shall indicate between 0.45
(1) Adjust R1 until 0 volts ac appears
a n d 0.80-volt dc flag voltage across R2.
across terminals 5 and 6 of AM-3209/ASN.
U s e ME-30B/U No. 1 to check for the
voltages listed below.
ME-30B/U No. 2 (volts)
ME-30B/U No. 1 (volts)
3 to 18
0.050 . . . .
ME-30B/U No. 1 Indication
9 to 30
0.100 . . . .
13 and
0 to 0.9
14 to 36
0.150 . . . .
20 to 39
14 and
0 to 0.9
0.300 . . . .
.. . . .
22 to 39
19 to 31
8 and
0.500 . . . .
22 to 39
11 and
19 to 31
1.000 . . . .
(2) Connect ME-30B/U No. 1 between
A M - 3 2 0 9 / A S N terminals 5 and 6. Adjust
(3) Reverse the input connections to
R1 for each of the ME-30B/U No. 1 indi-
AM-3209/ASN terminals 5 and 6 and re-
cations listed below. For each setting of
peat (2) above.
Change 1 4-7