TM 11-6110-211-15
c. Columns in the allocation of tools for main- -
X indicates the, categories responsible for
performing that particular maintenance
tenance functions are as follows:
(1) Tools required for maintenance func- -
operation, but does not necessarily indi-
tions. This column lists tools, test, and
cate that repair parts will be stocked at
maintenance equipment required to per-
that level. Categories higher than those
form the maintenance functions.
marked by X are authorized t o perform
(2) Operator, organization, direct support,
the indicated operatin.
general support, and depot. The dagger
(4) Tools required. This column indicates
(†) symbol indicates the categories nor-
codes assigned to each individual tool
mally allocated the facility.
equipment, test equipment, and mainte-
(3) Tool code. This column lists the tool code
nance equipment referenced. The group-
ing of codes in this column of the main-
tenance allocation chart indicates the
2. Maintenance by Using Organizations
tool, test, and maintenance equipment
When this equipment is used by signal services
required to perform the maintenance
organizations organic to theater headquarters or
communication zones to provide theater communi-
(5) Remarks. Entries in this column will be
cations, those maintenance functions allocated up
utilized when necessary to clarify any of
to and including genera] support are authorized to
the organization operating this equipment.
the data cited in the preceding column.