TM 11-6110-211-15
a. Peel off and discard the lead foil tape (2)
that seals the cover and case assembly (1) to the
or thermistor, avoid overheating the part.
main amplifier assembly (8). (Some units are
3-12. Reassembly of AM-3209/ASN
provided with a solder tear band.)
b. Rock the tightly fitted cover and case as-
Follow the reassembly procedures for the AM-
sembly (1) to free it from the amplifier sub-
3209/ASN given below after completion of clean-
assembly (9).
ing, inspection, or troubleshooting.
c. Remove the four flathead screws (3) and
a. Connect the amplifier subassembly (9) to the
main amplifier assembly (8) by replacing the
amplifier subassembly (9) to the main amplifier
assembly (8).
screws (3).
d. Carefully tilt the amplifier subassembly (9)
away from the main amplifier assembly (8).
b. Press the cover and case assembly (1) and
Caution: Do not allow the amplifier subas-
the main amplifier assembly (8) together until
sembly (9) to hang by the interconnecting
a firm fit is secured.
leads, because the leads may become damaged.
c. Cut new lead tape (Minnesota Mining and
e. Disassemble the assemblies only to the ex-
Manufacturing Co. No. 420 or equivalent) to
tent necessary to unsolder and replace damaged
the proper length.
or malfunctioning parts.
d. Press the lead foil tape (2) around the junc-
Note. To simplify handling while troubleshooting, con-
tion of the mated cover and case assembly (1) and
nect the amplifier subassembly (9) to the main amplifier
the main amplifier assembly (8).
assembly (8) with two of the four flathead screws (3).