TM 11-6110-211-15
Figure 3-3. Amplifier, Electronic Control AM-3209/ASN, test setup.
Section Ill. REPAIRS
(3) Remove excess solder flux with a small
3-9. General Parts Replacement Techniques
brush dipped in alcohol.
This section contains servicing, disassembly, and
b. Inspect the servoamplifier as follows:
reassembly procedures for the AM-3209/ASN.
Most of the components can be reached easily and
(1) Examine all wiring for worn insulation;
replaced without special procedures. The follow-
check to see that all soldered connections
ing general precautions should be observed during
are intact.
Caution: Wires are easily broken;
a. Before removing a component of the ampli-
avoid bending.
fier, note its position; install the replacement part
(2) Examine connector P201 for bent or
as close to the same position as possible.
broken pins.
b. Use a pencil-type soldering iron with a 25-
Caution: When using a pin straight-
watt maximum capacity. If an ac-operated sol-
ener to repair bent pins, do not apply
a wobbling motion; pull straight up to
Do not use a soldering gun; damaging voltages
can be induced in the transistorized circuits.
connector pins.
(3) Examine all resistors and capacitors for
sink between the solder joint and the transistor
discoloration and blistering.
and retain the heat sink until the soldered joint
(4) Check straightness of positioning studs.
has cooled. Use approximately the same length
(5) Check tightness of mounting clips on
main amplifier assembly and sub-
3-10. Servicing Procedures
a. Clean the AM-3209/ASN as follows:
3-11. Disassembly of AM-3209/ASN
(1) Remove dust from the amplifier assembly
with low-pressure (20 pounds per square
The disassembly procedures for the AM-3209/
inch (psi) maximum) air.
ASN given below are required only to perform
(2) Wash the cover and case assembly with
cleaning compound or equivalent.
cleaning, inspection, and troubleshooting.