TM 11-5820-922-40-1
With the coining tool, coin
(flatten) the gold-plated copper wire
This procedure may be per-
ends to approximately 0.13 millimeter
formed only by personnel
(0.005 inch) thickness by 2.54 milli-
qualified as parallel gap
meters (0.100 inch) long by 0.38 milli-
welding operators.
Technical personnel familiar with
the function of the circuit must deter-
Braze the coined (flattened) wire
mine the two points to which the jumper
to the printed circuit conductor pad
wire must be attached.
using the parallel gap welding machine
according to the following schedule.
Bend a 30-gage insulated gold-
plated solid-copper jumper wire to the
designated tabs. Cut to required length.
Remove the insulation for a dis-
tance between 6 and 7 millimeters (1/4
Encapsulate the jumper wire as
and 5/16 inch) from each end of the wire.
described in steps 7 thru 10.
Weld duration
8 - 10 ms
8 - 10 ms
Weld voltage
0.63 - 0.66v
0.66 - 0.68V
1.3 - 2.3 kg (0-5 lb)
Weld force
1.3 - 2.3 kg (3-5 lb)
Electrode gap
0.38 - 0.50 mm
0.38 - 0.50 mm
(0.015 - 0.020 in.)
(0.015 - 0.020 in.)
taminated skin area. Hand wash-
ing facilities and eye wash
Use Freon with good ventila-
fountain should be provided.
tion. Avoid prolonged or
Do not take internally.
repeated breathing of vapor.
Avoid contact with skin and
Use any one of Narmco Epoxy Adhe-
eyes. Do not take internally.
If the frozen premix kit is used, allow
it to thaw to room temperature prior to
Clean the area to be encapsulated,
use. If either of the two-part kits is
using Freon TMC solvent.
used, mix approximately equal quantities
of Part A and Part B, using a disposable
aluminum cup for mixing. Mix thoroughly.
Adhesives are irritating to the
9. Bond the jumper wire to the
skin and eyes upon contact, and
printed wiring board by applying a spot
may emit harmful vapor. Use
of adhesive (prepared in step 8) to a
only with adequate ventilation.
minimum diameter of 6.35 millimeters
Avoid all skin and eye contact.
(1/4 inch) at intervals of 5 centimeters
Use protective clothing such as
(2 inches). It is not necessary to
encapsulate the brazed joint. Avoid
rubber gloves, apron and eye
protection. Wash off immedi-
applying adhesive to any area that may
ately any accidentally con-
be subsequently soldered.