TM 11-5820-801-30
is mounted on 3A2 port 3. A switch (NOISE DIODE) on
alignment procedures, the RF output of a sweep
Serial No. 001, 3A1, permits the operator to activate the
generator is connected to 3A2 port 3 and the amplified
noise diode by switching on + 28 V (S2, fig. 3-5). A noise
signal is monitored by test equipment attached to 3A3
signal is then supplied via the decoupled port of
port 3 (fig. 3-8). In Serial No. 001, the sweep generator
directional coupler 3A13A1 to the standby channel and
is connected to 3A2 port 3 via the main port of directional
can be monitored at 3A3 port 3.
coupler 3A13A1.
d. In all systems during gain-bandwidth test and
Figure 2-6. Block Diagram of Channel Switching, +28 V Control and Display Indicator Circuits.
Figure 2-7. Block Diagram of Channel Switching, RF Switch Positions.