TM 11-5820-801-30
temperature. The interior of the Pump Source Module
different. Thermostats to protect against uncontrolled
2A1 is maintained at about 135 by means of two 50-watt
temperature rise are used with each heater bank. Panel
heaters and a fan to circulate the hot air The back flange
indicator lamps are placed across the terminals of S2
of V1 has two 100-watt heaters and the front flange, a
and S4, the thermostats in the back flange and front
100-watt heater. The temperature controller cards for
flange heater circuits, respectively. The lamps light when
these heater banks are electrically identical to the card
the thermostats are open, thereby indicating
(2A2A1) used in the Second Stage Paramp Module 2A2
malfunctions in the temperature control circuits for
Redundantly installed Parametric Amplifier system AM-
6602/MSC-46(V) contains two Waveguide Switches, 3A2
8a and b. Remote Control/Monitor Assembly Serial No.
and 3A3, and switches on Unit 1, Module 2A1, and
001 contains a NOISE DIODE switch (S2, fig. 3-5) used
Remote Control/Monitor Assembly 3A1 Unit 1 (fig 2-4)
to switch 28 Vdc to Noise Diode Assembly 3A13. Switch
contains three power switches:
2A1S1 is a safety interlock. Waveguide switches 3A2,
MAIN POWER circuit breaker CB1
3A3 and CHANNEL SELECT pushbutton switch 3A1S1
PARAMP POWER circuit breaker CB2
comprise the channel switching system. The safety
interlock and channel switching are described in
two meter switches:
VOLTAGE meter selection switch S2
PUMP meter selection switch S3,
and two amplifier stage switches: