TM 11-5895-1090-34/TO 31 R2-2TSC-152
(2) Remove the cover and fuse FI from
(2) Remove the hex nut securing the
the fuse socket.
switch to the front panel and remove the switch.
(3) Remove the OUTPUT LEVEL knob,
knob lock, hex nut and washer as indicated in paragraph
Be very careful in the next step not to
damage the rubber boot on the hex nut.
(4) Remove the shf channel combiner
(3) Place new switch in position and
assembly Al and the J5 power connector as indicated in
secure in place with hex nut.
(4) Reconnect leads to switch and secure
them in place with two mounting screws.
XDSI-ACPOWER Indication Lamp Socket.
In the next step the front panel will be
removed from the amplifier-mixer
(1) Remove two screws securing circuit
chassis. The wiring to front panel com-
breaker cover to front panel and remove cover.
ponents will allow movement of a few
(2) Tag and unsolder leads to indicator
inches, but be very careful not to place
stress on wires or solder joints as this
(3) Unscrew lamp socket jewel and
could damage the amplifier-mixer.
remove from socket. Remove indicator lamp DS1.
(5) Remove the 13 screws that secure the
(4) Remove hex nut on rear of lamp
front panel to amplifier-mixer chassis and carefully slide
socket securing lamp socket to front panel.
the front panel away from the chassis, taking care not to
(5) Install the new socket and secure to
damage any wires.
the front panel with hex nut, and reconnect leads to
(6) Tag and unsolder the leads from the
fuse socket.
(6) Replace lamp in socket and replace
(7) Remove the hex nut and washer on
the rear of the front panel which secures the fuse-socket
(7) Replace circuit-breaker cover and
to the front panel.
secure to rear of front panel with two screws.
m. XDS2-FA ULT Indicator Lamp Socket.
(8) Replace the fuse socket and secure it
to the front panel by tightening the washer and hex nut.
(1) Tag and unsolder leads to lamp
(9) Reconnect the leads to fuse socket.
(2) Unscrew lamp socket jewel from lamp
In the next step, the proper alignment of
the front panel is extremely important.
(3) Loosen hex nut securing lamp socket
Take care to remount the front panel
to front panel.
exactly as it was mounted prior to
(4) Remove the plastic retaining collar
removal using the alignement marks
and gasket from front panel holding the socket in place.
scribed in step (1) above. If extreme
(5) Install the new socket in place.
care is not taken, the drawer may not fit
(6) Replace the gasket and tighten the
back into its rack properly.
plastic retaining collar to the front of the socket on the
(10) Remount front panel taking extreme
front panel.
care to make proper alinement and tighten the mounting
(7) Tighten the hex nut on the rear of the
socket to secure it in place on the front panel.
(11) Slide the amplifier-mixer drawer into
(8) Replace lamp and jewel back into
its position in the equipment rack. Make sure that the
XF1-LVO.5 AMP Fuse Socket.
front panel does not rub against adjacent drawers and is
properly aligned. If not in alinement repeat steps
(10)and (11).
In the following procedure the front panel
(12) Reinstall J5 SIIF OUTPUT jack and
must be removed to provide access to the
shf channel combiner assembly Al as indicated in
hex nut on the rear of the front panel, which
secures the fuse socket to the front panel.
(13) Replace OUTPUT LEVEL washer, hex
The alinement of the front panel is
nut, knob lock and knob as indicated in paragraph 3-
extremely critical. Before removal of the
7g(6) through (9).
front panel, the greatest care should be
(14) Reinstall fuse cover and fuse F1 into
taken to mark the original alinement of the
fuse socket.
chassis and the front panel, so that when
o. XF2-SPARE FUSE Socket.
the front panel is replaced, the proper
(1) Remove cover and fuse F2 from
realinement can be made.
(1) Scribe a line around the right angle
flanges of the side panels which join the side panels to
the front panel to insure their proper realinement when
remounting the front panel.