TM 11-5821-333-30
Test Procedure Start: (Rectangle with rounded sides) indi-
cates start of the test procedure and contains a brief de-
scription of the symptom of trouble.
Test Procedure Flow Line: (Line) Indicates procedure flow.
Reference Number: (Square attached to upper left edge of
an instruction block) Indicates that this is the start of one of
Test Procedure Instruction: (Rectangle) Provides instruc-
tions for doing a specific test.
Decision: (Diamond) Indicates that a decision must be
made (YES or NO) in answer to a question about the previ-
ous test. Path taken depends on the answer (YES or NO).
Connector: (Circle) Directs user to another place in the
chart. Contains a number and a sheet number (SH No.).
Go to the sheet indicated and find the entry number.
Notes Column: Present additional information, such as:
more specific instructions about how to do a test, cautions
and warning that have to be observed when doing a test,
additional information about what to do after doing a test,
and references to appropriate circuit diagrams.
Setup Instructions: Provides switch settings for the test
adapter, ref rt, ref rcu, its, and all test equipment used in a
test. Also tells of any special cabling requirements for a
test. Change only the switches listed.
Illustration Labels: Provides labels to reference illustrations
called out in tests.