TM 11-5821-333-30
The MAPS chart is used to find the troubleshooting flow chart or troubleshooting schematic to use for fault isola-
tion of a faulty maintenance group. It is used when a maintenance group becomes faulty during maintenance op-
erations. The symptoms of the fault are used on the MAPS chart to select the correct troubleshooting proce-
dures. If the fault is not found on the MAPS chart, the chart instructs the user to perform troubleshooting chart 1.
Troubleshooting flow chart 1 contains the same test as the operational check, but in flow chart form, The MAPS
chart directs the user to perform certain sections of the flow chart. Chart 1 will identify faulty components, wiring
faults, or further troubleshooting charts necessary. The purpose of the MAPS chart is to locate the correct trou-
bleshooting flow chart without performing the entire operational check. Many times, multiple symptoms will be
present, The MAPS chart identifies which symptom should be checked first.
Sometimes the chart 1 sections referenced by the MAPS chart are passed without finding the fault or a trouble-
shooting procedure to isolate the fault. When this happens, the MAPS chart references one or more trouble-
shooting schematics in paragraph 6-18. These schematics are then used to search the maintenance group wir-
ing for faults.
The MAPS chart is a flow chart similar to the troubleshooting flow charts. A description of the flow chart symbols
is in paragraph 6-16,
To use the MAPS chart:
Be sure to start the MAPS chart at the beginning and then proceed through the flow until an instruction
block is reached that directs you to a section (or sections) in troubleshooting flow chart 1.
Perform that section (or sections) of chart 1. If more than one section is indicated, perform them in the
order listed.
If all of the sections are passed, return to the MAPS chart. Follow the PASSED path to the instruction
block that lists troubleshooting schematics to use.
Use troubleshooting schematics to search for faulty wiring.
Verify repairs by performing the operational check in section IV.
If the maintenance group fault is not listed in the MAPS chart, then perform all of troubleshooting flow
chart 1. If chart 1 does not discover the fault, then follow the CHART 1 PASSED path and perform the
troubleshooting flow chart listed in the following block. If that is passed, then use the troubleshooting
schematic listed in the next block.