All measuring and test equipment shall have been
(b) Packaging material damaged.
calibrated and certified within its prescribed period in
accordance with TB 750-236 before use. Certification
not snug fitting and contain voids.
shall be affixed in such a way as to preclude any altering
(d) Air not expelled from barrier prior to
or tampering.
g. Storage Inspection Records.
Results of
(e) Any item of marking information
inspections and tests shall be recorded on data sheets
other than (3)(h), (i), and (j) above, listed under major
and a copy attached to each unit.
defects omitted, incorrect, or illegible.
(5) Packing and marking, major.
7. Inspection Frequency. a.
Controlled humidity
(a) Use of improper or defective
warehouse: 60 months.
b. Heated warehouse: 36 months.
(b) Quantity in pack not as specified.
c. Unheated warehouse: 18 months.
(c) Gross weight in excess of specified
8. Type of Storage. Controlled humidity warehouse or
(d) Box closure not as specified.
heated warehouse.
(e) Type, grade, class, and style of the
shipping container not as specified.
9. Other Instructions. a. Rejected Lots. Each
(f) Strapping omitted (when required).
rejected lot shall be tagged and reclassified into the
proper condition code in accordance with AR 725-50.
(g) Strapping inadequate or incorrectly
For other than new material, all defective units in a lot
applied (when required).
shall be repaired, or disposition requested in accordance
(h) Items not adequately blocked,
with AMC and depot procedures.
braced, or cushioned within the shipping container to
b. Repackaging of Samples Inspected. Restore
prevent movement or damage.
the packaging of the samples inspected and accepted to
(i) Shipping documents or packing list
the level of the lot from which the samples were drawn.
(j) Stock number omitted, incorrect, or
10. Special Requirements. If the subject items are
allocated for Foreign Military Sales, Grant Aid, or Loan,
(k) Nomenclature omitted, incorrect, or
the following additional requirements must be met:
a. Policies and Special Conditions:
(l) Marking of quantities of items in
pack omitted, incorrect, or illegible.
(m) Destination
AR 795-17
General Policies and Principles for
incorrect, or illegible.
Furnishing Army Materiel on a
(n) Special marking or labeling (when
Grant Aid Basis.
required) omitted, incorrect, or illegible.
AR 795-204
General Policies (and Principles for
(o) Overseas code marking (when
Furnishing Defense Articles and
required) omitted, incorrect, or illegible.
Services on a Sale or Loan
(6) Packing and marking, minor.
DD Form 1513
Offer and Acceptance.
(a) Unsealed carton.
(b) Defective taping or sealing of
Note. Special terms, conditions, and .Agreements
with the customer country and shown on the DD Form
(c) Any other box defect which may be
1513 must be complied with as well as any special
considered minor by definition of MILSTD- 105.
instructions from the responsible commodity command.
(d) Any item of required marking
information other than (5) (j) through (o) above listed
b. Basic Issue List Items (BILI).
BILI deck,
under major defects omitted, incorrect, or illegible.
normally furnished to the depots by USAECOM BILI
Office, Lexington Blue Grass Army Depot, Lexington, Ky