1. Purpose. This bulletin provides a storage
requirements of the standard may be used
serviceability standard which establishes uni-
for performing receipt and preshipment qual-
form criteria for determining the acceptability
ity control inspections.
of the items designated herein for continued
storage and/or issue, on the condition that
4. Definitions. a . Definitions for the major-
all specifications and requirements applicable
ity of specialized terms used can be found
to the items have previously been met at
in MIL-STD-109B.
the time of receipt from new procurement, or
b. Definitions for other specialized terms
after repair, overhaul, or rebuild by a CONUS
are as follows:
depot maintenance shop.
(1) Storage serviceability standard. A
2. Scope. This bulletin applies to all activ-
written procedure providing storage methods
ities engaged in the receipt, storage, and issue
and standards and prescribing the necessary
requirements for the surveillance of materiel
in storage.
(2) Storage quality level (SQL). T h a t
stock number.
quality level applicable to storage sampling
3. General. It is the Army's objective to
inspection expressed in terms of percent de-
fective or defects per 100 units, whichever
attain and maintain a constant materiel readi-
is applicable, specified for a given group of
ness status for materiel in depot stocks. The
defects of a product. It is the maximum al-
scope of such an objective is of such mag-
nitude that only general guidelines are pro-
lowable accidental departure from specifica-
vided by chapter 3, section VIII of TM 743-
tion requirements which can be tolerated.
200-1 for the quality evaluation of materiel
in the custody of supply and storage activi-
5. Reporting of Supply Bulletin Improve-
ments. Reporting of errors, omissions, and
This standard supplements TM 743-
200-1 by providing a systematic procedure
recommendations for improving this publica-
tion by the individual user is encouraged.
for storage cyclic inspection of the amplifier
Reports should be submitted on DA Form
2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications)
satisfactory storage practices, and other
and forwarded direct to Commanding Gen-
eral, U.S. Army Electronics Command, ATTN:
characteristics which are acceptable. It also
AMSEL-ME-NMP-EM, Fort Monmouth, N.J.
establishes the basis for identifying materiel
requiring segregation, remedial care and pres-
ervation, or reclassification action. Applicable
8. Storage. a. Type. Controlled humidity
6. Preservation, Packaging, and Packing.
warehouse or heated warehouse.
Preservation, packaging, and packing will be
in accordance with the requirements listed
b. Age Control. Amplifier, Mixer CV-124/
APR- 13 will be issued on a first-in-first-out
code shall be preserved and packaged in
(FIFO) basis by date of manufacture, or date
accordance with MIL-STD-726; packing shall
of rebuild.
conform to the requirements specified in MIL-
P-55585 (EL).
storage and are required to be inspected
7. Marking. Marking will be in accordance
with MIL-STD- 129D.