TM 9-6625-2150-34P
For requisitioning miscellaneous consumable maintenance supplies or expendable supplies, use CTA 50-970.
USABLE ON CODE. The usable on code appears in the lower left corner of the Description column heading.
Usable on codes are shown as "UOC" in the Description column (justified left) on the first line applicable item
description/nomenclature. Uncoded items are applicable to all models.
This RPSTL does not contain illustration for items listed in Section II, since the manufacturer's manuals contain
exploded view illustrations which are adequate for repair parts location. Copies of the manufacturers manuals Mainframe
Oscilloscope, Tektronix, Type 7613; Amplifier, Vertical, Tektronix, Type 7A26; Time Base, Plug-in, Tektronix, Type
7B53A; Sampling, Plug-In, Tektronix, Type, 7S11; Sampling Head, Tektronix, Type S4; Sampling Time Base, Tektronix,
Type 7T11; and Plug-In Unit, Electronic, Tektronix, Type S52 are furnished with the equipment for which this RPSTL is
prepared. The figure and item numbers in the listing are for locating the item within this RPSTL.
How to Locate Repair Parts.
When National Stock Number or Part Number is Not Known.
First. Refer to the parts list to locate the item by description. This list is listed in alphabetical sequence
within each figure number.
Second. After locating the item in the Repair Parts List, refer to the Part Number Index to find the NSN.
When National Stock Number or Part Number is Known.
First. Using the Index of National Stock Numbers and Part Numbers, find the pertinent National Stock
Number or Part Number. The NSN index is in National Item Identification Number (NIIN) sequence. The part numbers in
the Part Number index are listed in ascending alphanumeric sequence. Both indexes cross-reference you to the
illustration figure and item number of the item you are looking for.
Second. After finding the figure and item number, verify that the item is the one you're looking for, then
locate the item number in the repair parts list for the figure.
Abbreviations. Not applicable.