TM 11-6110-211-15
b. Report of Damaged or Improper Shipment.
1-2. Index of Publications
Fill out and forward DD Form 6 (Report of Dam-
Refer to the latest issue of DA Pam 310-4 to
aged or Improper Shipment) as prescribed in AR
determine whether there are new editions, changes,
700-58 (Army), NAVSANDA Publication 378
or additional publications pertaining to the equip-
(Navy), and AFR 71-4 (Air Force).
ment. DA Pam 310-4 is an index of current tech-
c. Reporting of Equipment Manual Improve-
nical manuals, technical bulletins, supply manuals
ments. The direct reporting by the individual
(types 7, 8, and 9), supply bulletins, lubrication
user, of errors, omissions, and recommendations
orders, and modification work orders that are
for improving this equipment manual, is author-
available through publications supply channels.
ized and encouraged. DA Form 2028 (Recom-
The index lists the individual parts (-10, -20,
mended Changes to DA Publications) will be
-35P, etc. ) and the latest changes to and revisions
used for reporting these improvements. This
of each equipment publication.
form will be completed using pencil, pen, or type-
1-3. Forms and Records
writer and forwarded direct to Commanding Gen-
eral, U.S. Army Electronics Command, ATTN:
a. Reports of Maintenance and Unsatisfactoy
A M S E L - M R - ( N M P ) - M A , Fort Monmouth,
Equipment. Use equipment forms and records in
accordance with instructions in TM 38-750.
N.J., 07703.
Output signal _______ 50 mv to 1 volt, depending
on input voltage.
Amplifier, Electronic Control AM-3209/ASN
Flag output voltage-- 0.45 to 0.80 volt dc across
is a transistorized servoamplifier that amplifies
1,000-ohm load.
servocontrol signals. The AM-3209/ASN is used
Fixed field output
26 volts, 400 cps, + 90
to drive the heading and attitude functions dis-
across servo load.
played on various compass facility indicators (In-
dicator, Radio Magnetic Compass ID-998/ASN,
1-6. Description
or equivalent). The AM-3209/ASN receives
servocontrol signals from a magnetic compass sys-
a. The AM-3209/ASN (fig. 1-1) is a moisture-
tem indicator, amplifies these control signals, and
sealed, plug-in component. The internal compo-
applies them back to the indicator.
Note. Refer to the technical manual covering the air-
craft in which the AM-3209/ASN is installed for details
thermistor are mounted on a circuit board (fig.
regarding specific applications,
3-5 and
3-6) and
protected by a
snug-fitting cover
1-5. Technical Characteristics
internal amplifier assembly circuit board and is
Volt age requirements:
secured to the base with either lead foil tape or a
Input ___________ 115 volts ac, 400 cps, single
solder tear band seal. The AM-3209/ASN is
phase; maximum line
current 210 ma.
secured to an equipment rack with three threaded
Power __________ 23 watts.
mounting studs located on the base. All electrical
Input signal --------- 0 through 1 volt, 300 cps,
inputs and outputs to the AM-3209/ASN are ap-
single phase, capable of
plied through a hermetically sealed electrical con-
both in-phase and 180
nector (P201) on the base.
out of phase (with re-
b. The AM-3209/ASN is 4 1/8 inches long, 2 1/6
spect to 115 ac line).
inches wide, and 2 5/32 inches high. The AM-3209/
Note. The signal source
must be isolated from power
ized, and has a self-contained power supply.
ground for reversing purposes.