TM 11-5821-333-30
The troubleshooting flowcharts are used to find a bad module in the rt. The user will be sent to the flowchart from
a step in the operational check.
When sent to a flowchart, do the following:
Unless otherwise directed, keep all switches and controls as they were from the operational check,
Do action described in first rectangle of fIowchart.
Answer yes or no to question in decision diamond.
Go to next block as directed by answer to yes/no question.
Continue until bad module is located.
Refer to figure 2-7 for an explanation of the symbols used on the flowcharts.
Test Procedure Start (Rectangle with rounded sides): indi-
cates start of the test procedure and contains a brief de-
scription of the symptom of trouble.
Test Procedure Flow Line (Line): Indicates procedure flow.
Test Procedure Instruction (Rectangle): Provides instruc-
tions for doing a specific test.
Decision (Diamond): Indicates that a decision must be
made (YES or NO) in answer to a question about the previ-
ous test. Path taken depends on the answer (YES or NO).
Connector (Circle): Directs user to another place in the
chart. Contains a number and a sheet number (SH No.).
Go to the sheet indicated and find the entry number,
Figure 2-7. Explanation of Symbols